Monday, September 7, 2009

12 Mi Appalachian Trail Hike

Don took Jayden “camping” over Labor Day weekend. They were going to go to a campsite about 10 miles away, where they went on the Father-Son campout with the church, but it was closed. So…Don drove out to the Appalachian Trail about an hour away and started on a 4 mile hike to a shelter thingy (below), WITH Jayden AT 6 or so p.m. Two miles in he said it got dark! They found the shelter, ate some MREs and marshmallows and tucked themselves in for the night. It was about then, that I called (I can’t believe they got service) to say goodnight and check in. Remember I thought they were close by at a “real campsite.”

The next day they hiked around for about 8 miles until they reached the car and came home. All in all Jayden hiked 12 miles in 24 hours. Very impressive for a 5-year-old! I am glad Don did not tell me where they really were or I would have been a worry wart. They had a great time.

App trail